Q: What the heck is this blog?
A: It's a fictional chronicle of a character, named Teagan Dodge, who is exploring an alien planet and interacting with the native intelligent life, the Azu-nah. Basically, it's a place for me to let out my geek side in an organized, hopefully entertaining way.
Q: Where did you get a name like "Azu-nah"?
A: BSing, basically. I just liked the sound. It isn't related to anything I know of.
Q: Do you draw anything other than these Azu-nah things?
A: To see my other art, check out my DeviantART site.
Q: Your profile says weekly updates, but you've skipped a week sometimes. What gives?
A: Project Azu-nah is something I do for fun in my free time. Unfortunately, it doesn't pay the bills, clean the house, or feed my cat. I work a full time job to do all that, and occasionally real life makes too many inroads on my free time for me to spend do the blog. Each post for the Project takes many hours of design, artwork, and writing. I'm sorry for any weeks I skip, but I'd much rather skip one occasionally then slap together some crap just to say I never miss a week. I update the Twitter feed if I know I'm going to be late updating or miss a week.
Q: Can I use the Azu-nah in my art/story/video etc?
A: Sure you can, as long as it's for personal use only. Please don't sell anything with them. If possible, send me a link with the work, since I love to see other people's interpretation of the Azus. If you want I'll put it up in the fan-art section too!
Q: Can I make a suggestion for your blog?
A: Feedback it always welcome. I read every comment posted. You can also email me questions, comments, or suggestions at worldofazunah at gmail.com.