Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Yes, another delay. Update Thursday when things have calmed down.

Update: To add to the joy of mandatory overtime at work, the most recent strain of influenza is circling me like a shark. I've been keeping it at bay through pure willpower and a crapload of tea. I think this week I'm going to choose extra rest and hopefully stave off the Dreaded Lurgy instead of writing the entry. The positive is that now I can spend a little extra on this week's art.

Thank you for not killing me.


  1. Don't worry about it! We're always looking forward to this when you get a chance, but please don't stress over it. This should be something you enjoy, not stress about.

  2. Get well soon, Jen. :( I've had the flu before and it is definitely NOT fun. Hopefully you won't have a similar experience to what I had.

  3. As has been said; take good care of yourself and feel better soon! We'll all be excited for the next post whenever ya get around to it. Keep it fun, not something to stress over!
