Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Yes, I know, the updates haven't come. Life has taken a turn for the busy, and I just haven't had the time and energy to devote to the blog. I do intend to come back to this. But right now I to focus on a very, very necessary career change.

I understand that some of you may resent further delays after putting up with so many. I'm hoping that with the start of the new year will be the start of some serious changes in my life that will afford me the time to begin updating regularly again. I apologize for the delay, and I don't blame anyone for ceasing to follow any future updates. I do hope you decide to come back eventually. Also, if you have any questions, please feel free to let me know. Email address is worldofazunah at

In the mean time, my friend Ashenraptor made a cool "trailer" for Project: Azu-nah! So check it out!

Project Trailer

Thanks to all of you who have stuck with me thus far, and I hope to see some of you again when the blog fires back up again in the future.


  1. Thank you for this update. Instead of worrying I can just change to checking this later. I for one am not gonna abandon this interesting story you have started as long as you won't abandon it. At least while you keep us us to date sometimes when there's a hiatus or something.

  2. Don't worry, we'll be here waiting when you have the time and energy to get back to the Project. Life away from the computer has to take priority though. Same reason that my site has languished without an update in so long.

    Take care and hang in there!

  3. Good to hear an update from ya! As has been said though, I absolutely understand how life outside the computer can get (juggling a visa application with a doctoral defense recently myself) and for my part I'm happy to wait as long as necessary. The fact that you share your creativity with all of us in this way at all is an enormous treat!

    Best of luck in sorting everything out, sounds like busy and stressful times. Sending warm thoughts your way.

  4. Cleaning out my RSS reader and came upon this. Sad that it's been forgotten, I liked it. Oh well.

