In a few weeks I'm going to be putting the blog on a short pause. A mini summer vacation, essentially. The break will be a few weeks long, 3-4, and then we'll be back to our regularly scheduled (sorta) Tuesdays. I need some down time, and I want to get to work on where the Project is going.
Now, here where I really want your feedback: do I keep going? The entire reason this blog exists is so that I can share my headworld with you guys. It's essentially a presentation of the planet whirling around in my brain. The world exists regardless, and I will continue to develop it and create for it. But a presentation is only worth it if someone watches.
So, do you guys like this enough to want to keep reading? Are you enjoying the Project? Or am I putting hours and hours of my life into presenting to an empty audience? I'd really like you guys' feedback.

Regular entry will be back next week.
I, for one, always tune in and read the blog and enjoy what it written within. I love reading about the characters and what's going on from week to week. It's a nice, informed, SCIENCE bloggy type blog. :)
ReplyDeleteMy self-serving self would enjoy seeing Slaasek more often involved in the stories. I think a lot of people would find it enjoyable to see their characters more often, within reason. But overall, I say continue! It would be sad indeed if you put a stop to it now. :(
Not a massive amount I can really add to what Prannon has already said. This is something which is incredibly vivid and well written, and it really manages to capture the imagination of the reader. I think it generally manages to catch my attention the same way some books do (Anne McCaffrey's Pern novels spring to mind in particular) where you actually have to give your brain the occasional metaphorical prod when reading to remind yourself that this isn't actually real! You've created a world which is both quite alien, yet at the same time is utterly believable. Likewise the characters, are not only believeable, but they're *likeable* and you've managed to make it so that the reader (well, me anyway, but I imagine I speak for many of the readers) feels that they're getting to know them, and feels that they matter. It's painful when you see them suffering and going through hard times, and it matters. Even the characters we've only seen brief snapshots of, both from your own minds eye and from the cameos, they've not stuck out as being two dimensional or anything, they way you've introduced them has made them seem just as much a part of the world and the story as any of the others.
ReplyDeleteI for one would be very sad indeed to see this project stop at this point. I've really come to look forward to reading the updates; whether they be short and light hearted, long and in depth, or darker like the last couple.
That's something in itself. Even after as traumatic an event as that - one which we haven't seen the full wide-scale consequences of yet, I still want to keep reading. I think if you're able to have an event like that in a plot, yet the reader keeps reading (or in the case of a movie, keeps watching - Home Tree falling in Avater springs to mind as a parallel somewhat), that's when you know that your world and your characters matter to the reader.
I really should comment more to show that I am still here and still reading, you deserve the feedback!
I'm definitely putting a hand up and saying that I wish for this project to continue. Eraan's paw is also raised in support.
I know Doran's on holiday at the moment, so might not get the opportunity to comment for a bit - but he pointed me to this blog originally, so I don't doubt will be putting his support in too when he has the chance.
Yeah, I think Zel touched on something in this blog as well. Just the alien-ness of the world itself is enough to lend it that much more respect. It's a way for you to release your creativity and share it with guys like me. Again, I'd be really sad if I didn't get to read and even contribute every now and then.
ReplyDeleteI also enjoy this great story very much. usually I look at the weekend for updates and sometimes I have to fight the urge to peek inside during the week.
ReplyDeleteI hope very much you continue to share your world with us.
Sorry to be a bit late posting here, as Zel said I'm on holiday at the moment! Not sure I can say much new beyond what Prannon and Zel have both said already, but this is a really wonderful thing that you're sharing with us and I am excited to keep reading as much as you've got to give. Your thoughtfulness and intelligence really shows in the project, and the way you put real science into the world makes it feel so much more believable and exciting for those of us who care about such things. The depth and emotion you put into the characters as well really makes the whole project a powerful and engaging thing, so for my part I too will speak up and beg you to keep going as long as it's being fun for you too! It's a privilege and a great pleasure to have you share this world of yours with us.
ReplyDelete@All of you:
ReplyDeleteYou guys are awesome, and you've really made me feel incredibly appreciated. Thank you so much. You rock. :)
Please keep posting! I enjoy this very much though I usually read webcomics. This project is well written and really captivating.
ReplyDeleteI don't have anything else to say since others have said it all already.